The police man gave the thief a box on the ear. 警察打了小偷一个耳光。
Please ask at the police box over there. 请问那边的治安亭。
College officials called police and postal inspectors after the box was delivered Thursday. 在该包裹被送到这家大学后,校方人员立即请来当地警察和邮政检查员对其进行仔细检查。
At a press conference, City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the device was not sophisticated and was in a small box. 纽约市警察总监凯利在记者会上说,这个爆炸装置不是很先进,装在一个小盒子里。
You only deliver to the train station and police box. 你只要去火车站和警察岗亭就行了。
I wonder where the police box is? 我想知道警察岗亭在哪?
Is there a police box around here? 这有警察岗亭吗?
Key directions: first, crawling, the key box excavation at the leak, cloaked in bright lights atop the machine according to the police box will be the key thrown away soil. 第一关:方向键爬,空格键挖掘,等到放风时间,趁着机器警察头顶灯不亮时按空格键将土扔掉。
Where is the nearest police box? 最近的警察岗亭在哪?
There is a police box along this street. 沿这条街有一个警察岗亭。
Hurry! hurry! the police will come in no time; help the box down; throw it into the car. 赶快!赶快!警察快来了;帮助把箱子搬下来,塞进车里。
He is take to the police box for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速而被带到警察亭。
Please have a rest in our police box. 请在我们的岗亭里休息一下。
The Style of Police Services Point duty box air conditioning system with indirect evaporative cooling 警察勤务的方式交通岗亭间接水蒸发开式空调系统